
Selling Your Oil? We Have A No Worries Solution

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As my third blog in a series on Partnerships, Insta-Pro has developed a new relationship with MBP Solutions to bring a solution to our customers in the U.S., Canada and Western Europe to sell their oil. We have heard the challenges from some of our customers who had an outlet for their oil and then something happened. Their customer went out of business, changed strategies or found a better source for their oil. Now what? Their oil tanks are getting full and without a defined consistent market outlet, they may be faced to stop meal production, jeopardizing loss of customers and overall profitability.

While our team is more than happy to connect our customers to potential buyers, we are not brokers. The solution our customers needed was not within our core competency, thus we needed to look for a partner that had the experience and relationships to broker or buy the oil taking that worry off the shoulders of our customers. There is plenty of work to go around in managing a soy or other oilseed crushing plant. Your primary product is your meal. Most likely that is why you got into the business in the first place. You need to focus your sales and marketing activities on building your meal business and promoting your unique and highly advantageous ingredient. Secondly, you have a plant to run. You need to effectively purchase soybeans/oilseeds, and need to run your plant efficiently and safely.

Focusing your time and energy in these areas will drive the greatest return. Trying to do everything well is tough. Delegating oil sales to MBP Solutions will allow you to spend your time maximizing meal sales and optimizing operations. Here are other benefits in working with MBP Solutions.

Benefits of an MBP Solutions Partnership

· MBP Solutions operates in a highly transparent manner.

· You and MBP Solutions are truly Partners as you both benefit from maximizing the value (price) of the oil.

· MBP Solutions is working with Insta-Pro to best position the ExPress® oil in the marketplace to maximize its value.

In addition to the above benefits, as a CEO, I try to take a step back and look at things strategically. We (and you) cannot be the best at everything. If we try, we

are mediocre at most of what we do which is a plan for failure. At Insta-Pro we know we don’t buy or cut steel as cost effectively as some larger fabrication companies, so we outsource some of this work to gain their expertise and allow us to focus on what we do best.

I encourage you to try delegating your oil sales and focusing on what you do best. You may find a productivity gain and also improve your peace of mind at the same time.

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