A Good Beginning is Half the Battle

As in any business, each of us strives to find the right solution to achieve our goal. As a rule, in this way we rely on our own knowledge and experience. But inevitably, at a certain stage, we begin to understand that our own knowledge and experience is limited and we turn to additional sources of information. To make a final decision, we must be sure of the correctness of the choice we make.
I recently visited one of the enterprises in Russia, where a Russian-made extruder was installed. The company’s management was interested in the possibility of replacing the existing extruder with the Insta-Pro extruder. One of the main criteria for the replacement of equipment was the stable operation of the equipment and the quality of the products.
It is impossible to list all of the problems that our client had encountered. Obviously, at the beginning of the journey, the client faced the choice of equipment, which was influenced by its lower price. Indeed, in appearance it seems that the equipment is very similar in the principles of operation. However, some time after the first start-up, it became apparent that parts were wearing out much faster than expected; laboratory analyzes significantly diverged from the declared indicators; and most importantly, the animals began to tell the truth.
There were no gains, feed consumption increased, productivity decreased. And here came the understanding that not all extruders are the same and not all extruded products give the same effect. Less than a year after the launch of the Insta-Pro extruder, the client is preparing to purchase a second line.
Behind Insta-Pro is more than 50 years of experience in the production of extruders operating in more than 100 countries around the world. But no less significant factor in the success of our company is the constant research work in the field of animal feeding trials. High quality equipment made in the USA, constant research work with US universities, customer and technical support – these are the components of the success of our company and our customers around the world.