Extrusion Facility for Poverty Alleviation (Part I)

In the Bicol Region, Philippines, poverty is a way of life. Most of the youth have a lack of knowledge because they can’t finish studies or never go to school because of financial problems and the lack of school facilities. Don Bosco Agro Mechanical Technology Center is there to help school youths achieve socio-economic sufficiency.
Don Bosco Legazpi is a non-profit and non-stock organization. It is a technical vocational school that provides skill training to the marginalized youth in the Bicol Region. It is managed by the Salesian brothers and priests and is under tutelage of Philippine North. Don Bosco Legazpi is focused on developing and implementing programs for agricultural development that aims to improve the quality of life of the marginalized youth and their families. It has three main programs; skills training, farm research development, and entrepreneurship.
Last February, Brother Luigi Parolin, Director of Don Bosco Legazpi, invited me to see their centre facility in Legazpi City, Bicol. It’s an one hour flight from Manila to Legazpi and ½ hour from airport to their facility, as the school is close to the landmark of the Mayon Volcano. On our way to their facility I saw coconut trees, small plantation of corn, and cassava, which made me realize how much this area depends on agriculture. My journey to the school showed me that this is an example of Brother Luigi and the Salesian Brothers’ passion to the poor and out of school youth.
Brother Luigi wants to have an extrusion facility in their centre. He told the people in the area to utilize their land by planting soybeans. He will provide the seeds, organic fertilizer and production technology that they will need. Don Bosco will also buy back the soy beans. Through this, there will be additional or more income for the farmers and for the people in the community. People, families and youth were very happy to the premonition of Brother Luigi. In result, Brother Luigi started research via internet on what brand of extruder machine they will buy. Brother Luigi chose Insta-Pro International as the best machinery to fit their needs and immediately sent an email to the Insta-Pro Headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa.
Don Bosco received aid from the government by means of the Department of Agriculture in order to buy the extruder machines needed. Insta-Pro International focuses on quality output, quality service and quality equipment. The Don Bosco Agro Mechanical Technology Center is a prime example of how Insta-Pro employees believe in our message, not only helping farmers worldwide, but having the passion to better lives.
If you want to help be part of the Don Bosco mission, click here.