Exceeding Expectations: Putting the Customer First

During a recent trip to visit prospective clients, I was reminded how important customer relations were to business. Without customers, there is no business, so as a collaborator with that company, we must not only satisfy the customer initially; but continue to meet, and exceed, their expectations.
When I begin to work on the design work for a company, sometimes I need a helping hand or someone who has previously had experience dealing with them to provide some insight on how business works. It could be as simple as knowing which door is the front door or as formal as presenting your business card with both hands and a deep bow during your greeting (if you’re in Japan!).
As an engineer, my work is very different from the sales team, so when it comes to understanding and managing our customer relationships, the sales team is the group that is usually involved. While the methods of sales and engineering may be very different, the goals are the same: offer the customer solutions in order to have the best chance of commercial success.
On a recent business trip with on of the our sales directors, I was fortunate enough to visit clients and discuss some new business opportunities with them. As an engineer, it is invaluable to be able to see the plants first hand and discuss layout possibilities in person. Pictures and CAD drawings only tell part of the story, so when it is possible, on-site visits are especially helpful.
During an on-site visit, our goal is to further connect with the customer, understand their operation’s goals and offer them solutions. On our visit, we were able to discuss ideas in the plant and over a meal. These interactions remove some of the business “formalities” and provide an atmosphere where ideas flow naturally. This allows us to connect to customers on a more personal level, which helps us create better solutions for them.
During this trip, I was able to gain a new appreciation not only for the entire sales process but also for the customer’s point of view. Insta-Pro customers are working with a company who will meet them face to face and discuss solutions with them. This shows dedication, caring and a true commitment to their success. That’s the type of company I would want to work with and you should too!