How To Bring an Additional Flock to Market & Acquire Millions

In 2020, a landmark feeding trial was conducted at Iowa State University. This trial tested four diets comprised of different types of corn & soy products, but most importantly included Hi-Gel™ Corn & ExPress® soy meal. These diets were fed to broiler chickens to evaluate the nutritional & financial advantages of each diet. This study proved that by combining ExPress® soy meal & Hi-Gel™ Corn, broilers would see a 6.12% improvement in feed conversion, as well as reach target weight 4.8 days sooner than they would if they were fed another feed combination.
The ISU Broiler Trial remains one of the most impactful feeding trials in recent memory; providing us with the data necessary to evaluate financial benefits broiler producers could obtain by adjusting their feed ingredients. However, combining ExPress® soy meal & Hi-Gel™ Corn was not the only major benefit pulled from the study. By switching to only Hi-Gel™ Corn, your broilers will reach target weight 2.4 days earlier to market, when compared to a diet composition consisting of ground corn. This minor adjustment alone could save you thousands of dollars in the long-term. Ultimately, the investment & returns are heavily dependent on your own operation.
Further analysis evaluated that feeding a five million bird flock could pay back an investment of a soy & corn extrusion plant is less than two years. We acknowledge each broiler producer will have differences in flock size and costs. To address this, we have been conducting free financial feasibility analyses in order to account for operation-specific variables.