
Innovative Ingredient For Broilers


Feed composition is instrumental to the growth of broilers. As discussed in previous blogs, the feed ingredients used for broilers can dramatically alter the speed at which they reach their target weight. More specifically, by using Hi-Gel™ Corn, ExPress® soybean meal, or a combination of both, the days to market will decrease, thus maximizing your flock’s growth potential.

By using a mixture of ExPress® soybean meal & Hi-Gel™ Corn, your broilers will reach market weight 4.8 days faster than other feed combinations.

If you are on the fence about whether you should produce your own feed, here is a list of four key benefits of using Hi-Gel™ Corn on broiler diets:

  • Simple process: All you need is an extruder and cooler. Insta-Pro extruders & coolers are very easy to manage and only one operator is needed
  • Cost/effective: For only 150,000 USD you can start with a line of Hi-Gel™ Corn that generates around 24 tons/day
  • Impactful results: Your broilers will reach market weight 2.9 days earlier by switching from grounded corn to Hi-Gel™ Corn. In addition, the feed intake of starter broilers will increase by 2.6% – the animals don’t lie!
  • Proven technology: The Iowa State University poultry trial results backup the information shared

Hi-Gel™ Corn will have a significant impact in your business, we will be glad to help you optimize your production.  Contact your Insta-Pro sales representative for information.

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